
Aurora Borealis

Window from a Second Reality

The Concrete Collection

Places to look at:

Have something to share?

Upload a(n) Aero Geolocation creation here


These are special Geolocation Augmented Reality experiences made in Adobe Aero and powered by Google’s Geospatial Creator for the location anchors. When accessing these Adobe links for the first time, you will need to allow the program to access both your location and camera to see the experiences at their respective locations. It is recommended to download the Adobe Aero app for the best possible viewing experience.

Can't visit the place in person? No worries! Under the "Places to look at" section, choose one of the experiences and look for "Remote viewing Experience" and it will open up the experience for you to see wherever you are! (Though your smartphone/ tablet is still required to see it in your space...)

A YouTube playlist with all the recordings of the AR experiences can be found here which are viewable in 2D and 3D.

For iOS:

Allow for app clips to run and try Adobe Aero. Once that is done allow for permissions for Camera and location data.

For Android:

If you haven't installed it beforehand, install the latest firmware of ARCore for your device. When accessing the link you will be prompted to download the Adobe Aero app on the Google Play Store. Once on the Play Store page you will see if your device is capable of running Adobe Aero on your device. Once downloaded allow for access to the camera and location data, and you should be able to view the experiences when clicking the link.

Device Compatibility:

Any device made between 2016 - 2019 may have some performance issues and may experience both heating and battery drainage. Any device older than 2016 may and will not run at all. Other devices from 2020 and beyond will have better performance for running these experiences. The on-site scene detection capabilities for the devices while visiting the physical locations may also vary in terms of starting the experience at all.